Aiden Aiden… no matter how much I praise this man , you won't understand it until you read this series yourself. I mean if you want to get literal shivers while reading a book , then Aiden is your man. He is Hot with a capital H , and is devil incarnate! There is no limit to his ruthlessness and I absolutely love how protective he is. I have lost count of the number of times he has made me swoon. Please don't tell me you haven't read this series , because if so then please hurry up!!! I mean I have read this series multiple times and I guarantee you that you won't be able to stop reading once you start this book.
I have been reading for about 4-5 years and there have been about 2-3 books that had me crying. This book was one of them. And the reason was not because it was a sad ending or a very sad book , but because the author had portrayed the hate/love between the characters so thoroughly, that I could feel the longing they had for each other myself! There are very few books that touch your soul and this is one of them. From that moment, Alexander became one of my favorite anti-heroes. You would think that my mind is fucked up because I love a character with so much hate in him , but believe me , once you read this book , it will be impossible to not love this man. Ace hates with so much intensity, but that is nothing compared to how he loves. There were some scenes in which he admitted to what lengths he went to be close to his Soulmate all the while hating her ! Those scenes were my favorite , when he outwardly hated her , but did anything to be close to her. This book is a definite must read! I have never seen such a perfect mixture of angst and hate in a book! It just took one book for this author to climb to my top 10 favorite authors list. That alone shows how awesome this author is !
Keiran… ugh it's impossible to say this man's name without thinking about kinky stuff! Keiran was the first anti-hero I have ever read and to say I was addicted would be an understatement. I have read FEAR ME so many times and I can read it even more times. Keiran is your perfect mixture of the most ruthless bully ever and the most kinky of them all!! What more could you ask… I have spent years and years in searching for a character that matches his level of ruthlessness, and I have never been successful. From the moment I read his series, this author became my absolute favorite. Like on the top literally. I added all of her books to my tbr!! Everything about Keiran is lust-inducing! The way he talks , the way he acts and every one of his actions. Every appearance he made in the book , had me highlighting the whole damn scene!! Keiran is my best-est of the best bullies and I always love him!! I would ask for someone like him in my life , but then even I won't be able to handle his dark personality..
A pepper winters book… you just wait and watch , there are many more books of hers in this list. That woman creates the best anti-heroes ever!!! It is impossible to hate them! Same is for Jethro. He has to be one of the most complicated characters I have ever encountered. One of the most broken and so smokin hot!! This series of pepper winters is my favorite , because of the story line. I had so many reactions whole reading this series. They ranged in between wanting to smack the shit out of Jethro to crying-rivers-of-tears for him. He was such a beautifully broken character. I know most of the people have read this one , but those who haven't… I mean just goooo… you need to read this!!! Just make sure to keep all the books nearby , because this author's cliffhanger are capable of sending you on a murder spree to get the next book!
This man… He is the true king of Fantasies. I won't lie and say that I always lived him , there were ways when I hated him and wanted to smack him so bad! But then this author molds her characters so beautifully that no matter what happens , you end up loving them. There are very few stories that give a message to the readers, this story was one of them. Sully had me falling head over heels for him in just a few chapters! He had a thinking that most people won't understand and that is what made him even more unique. He has to be one of the best characters that pepper has ever created and please please you have to read this book!! And my advice is the same , keep all books nearby because this author's cliffhangers suck so bad!!
Another pepper winters character… I know .. please forgive me!! This author just creates so amazing Anti-heroes that it is impossible for me to not include them in my list! Q 's books are the most popular books of this author. I have read each and every book by her , and for me this one was the darkest. There were scenes that I wanted to skip because I knew they would fuck up my mind , but I just couldn't stop reading. Q is everything you could have! That man is hot , has a freaking french accent and is insanely intelligent. And also is so kinky. His has darker tastes that had me falling even more hard for him. Like all of this authors characters , he was beautifully complex and just had me gravitating towards him. All the people who want a dark gritty read , have to get acquainted with Q , because this series will make you feel all the best emotions and you won't regret a single word!!
Bishop… that man knows how to make a girl beg. There were so many twists and turns in this book , that I was completely addicted and a bit bewildered at such an amazing storyline! But then that is what this author is famous for . One of the top reasons why I am the first in line to read her books , is because of her twists and turns. The way she manipulates the story is absolutely mesmerizing !! Bishop has to be one of my favourite of her characters. There are many more characters that I love , but Bishop holds a special place in my heart! Particularly because he introduced me to Amo Jones , also it doesn't hurt that he is absolute perfection in looks and everything… please don't tell me you haven't read this one!! If you haven't , then go and read it… Bishop doesn't take kindly to being ignored...