♥ BOOK LIST ♥ - Best DubCon / NonCon Romance Books ever!

by - June 23, 2021


THIS WHOLE BOOK LIST HAS BEEN SHIFTED AND UPDATED WITH A LOT OF NEW RELEASES ON MY NEW WEBSITE. This Blogger website is no longer active and that new website will have all of my new reviews and lists too with a lot of new stuff.
Here is the link for the book list - 

Hey everyone! I have decided to create a NEW WEBSITE . This is one is still going to be here as many people still see these book lists and reviews but I won't be posting any new reviews here. All the new stuff will be there on my New Website. 

Here is the Link or Click on the image above to access it! 


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This Blogger website is No longer in use . My New website will have all the Reviews , cover reveals , new releases and Book Lists. I have not deleted the Blogger website because People still visit it and have the book lists saved but THERE WILL BE NO NEW POSTS HERE.
Here is the Link to my new website - NEW WEBSITE
Or click on the Image below -