ARC REVIEW - Dangerous Temptation

by - October 19, 2021


Title: Dangerous Temptation
Author: Giana Darling
Genre: Dark Romance 
Type: Dark Dream #1
POV: Dual
Release date: 26th October 2021
My rating: 💋💋💋💋💋

He arrives all dressed in black. Diamond cufflinks. A watch on his tanned wrist that cost more than we would ever see in a lifetime of work. He carries a single red rose for my mother.

Months later, Tiernan Morelli lays red roses on my mother’s grave. That same day, he tells me that he is my new guardian.

I should have known from the very start that he had more in common with the thorns than the rose. Now I know the truth: I’m a pawn in his dangerous game of revenge. I was too young and naive. Now it's too late to save myself from his clutches.

I belong to him.



Star Rating : 5/5 Stars

POV : Dual

Cliffhanger : Yes

Hero : Tiernan Morelli

Heroine : Bianca

Pace of the story : Moderate

Angst Rating : 6/10

Heat Rating : 7/10

Plot Summary :
Bianca has never had an easy life. with an ignorant mother and her little brother who needs her care, she took the role of an adult at a very early age. That is until a storm rolled himself in their lives. Tiernan Morelli was his name. He was her mother's lover and later became their guardian . He was the one Bianca called when she had nowhere to go and that might be her biggest mistake. Because she thinks that Tiernan helped her with the goddess of his heart and that might be her worst assumption ever. Because nothing he ever did was not planned and the way Bianca will play in his game might just destroy her and everything she loves by the end.

Overall Opinion :
Ever since I read the prologue novel of this duet, it drove me crazy! Tiernan had this air of cruelty around him which made me navigate towards the man. Everything he did was planned and the ruthlessness he possessed was just so attractive.

Bianca thinks she knows what she is getting into when she accepts Tiernan as her guardian but nothing could have prepared for the actual man. He is a storm in himself, a storm that sucked her in so fast that she had nowhere to go. He was ruthless and his commands made her go crazy. Being with him was additive and Bianca knew that she couldn't let go. That is until she got to know his secrets. His games. The way he used her. And now nothing could ever repair the way he broke her.

This guardian age gap Roman drove me crazy! It was so freaking good! Definitely recommending it to all the age gap romance loving people out there! Giana has outdone herself with this one!


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