ARC REVIEW - Merciless Vows

by - July 06, 2021


Title: Merciless Vows
Author: Faith Summers
Genre: Dark Romance 
Type: Blood and Thorns Duet #1
POV: Dual
Release date: 30th June 2021
My rating: 💋💋💋💋1/2

When I was sixteen a gypsy fortune teller told me my future held darkness and death.
She was right.
But what she didn’t tell me was the devil himself would rise from hell in the form of Lucca Dyshekov and take everything from me with a gun held to my head.

He’s the Bratva assassin they all call Merciless.
On our wedding day, he taught me real monsters aren’t the ones who hide in the dark.
They’re the ones who stare you in the face and steal your soul.

On a quest for revenge, he takes me and unearths secrets from the past that will cause a war.
When death lies on the horizon the enemy of my enemy becomes my friend.
In this instance he’s my husband.
The real question is when he finishes uncovering the truth, will he keep me or kill me.



Star Rating : 4.5/5 Stars

POV : Dual

Cliffhanger : Yes

Hero : Lucca

Heroine : Aria

Pace of the story : Moderate

Angst Rating : 5/10

Heat Rating : 6/10

Triggers Involved : Kidnapping , Forced Marriage , Dub Con scenes

Plot Summary :
Lucca has his eyes on Aria. The pretty angel fits amazingly into his plans of revenge and there is no limit he won’t cross to get his revenge. The only problem is his history with Aria. A history that she doesn’t remember. And it is better that way because he is pretty sure that won’t be able to handle the fact that the guy who was her savior is now her worst nightmare.

Aria’s whole life changed when she survived an accident with her mother. The accident that took away her memories leaving her all broken. That is until Lucca came into her life. She can feel that she knows him but can't remember why. He says it is better that she does not remember and sometimes that is what she believes too. Because the Lucca she knows now is definitely not a nice man. He is the one forcing her into marriage and plans to break her and any other truth about him is not something she can handle.

Overall Opinion :
I am a huge freaking fan of this author and there is nothing I won’t read by her. Her mafia books are my new addiction and she is simply amazing! I have read the DARK SYNDICATE series by her and they are phenomenal so I was pretty crazy to read this new duet by her. And suffice to say that I am not at all disappointed.
Aria and Lucca have an amazing tale that I enjoyed a lot. The plot was not at all predictable and the ensign was one big smack of a shock to me! I loved that twist so much although the cliffhanger is killer. I hope that the next book comes soon because I am going crazy here. Faith’s books are the right level of steamy so there's that too. I would definitely recommend this series to all the mafia romance loving people out there!

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