ARC REVIEW - The Villian

by - December 14, 2020



Title: The Villain
Author: LJ Shen
Genre:  Contemporary Romance 
Type: Boston Belle #2
POV: Dual
Release date: 16th Dec 2020
My rating: 💋💋💋💋1/2

Cruel. Coldblooded. Hades in a Brioni suit.
Cillian Fitzpatrick has been dubbed every wicked thing on planet earth.
To the media, he is The Villain.
To me, he is the man who (reluctantly) saved my life.
Now I need him to do me another, small solid.
Bail me out of the mess my husband got me into.
What’s a hundred grand to one of the wealthiest men in America, anyway?
Only Cillian doesn’t hand out free favors.
The price for the money, it turns out, is my freedom.
Now I’m the eldest Fitzpatrick brother’s little toy.
To play, to mold, to break.
Too bad Cillian forgot one, tiny detail.
Persephone wasn’t only the goddess of spring; she was also the queen of death.
He thinks I’ll buckle under the weight of his mind games.
He is about to find out the most lethal poison is also the sweetest.


Web-Photo-Editor In the end, I wasted the Cloud Wish in one, reckless moment.
On a doomed desire, a stupid crush, an unrequited lover.
On the man every media outlet in America referred to as The Villain.
On Cillian Fitzpatrick.”

My god , that was some crazy epic ride!! I have been dying to see Cillian on his knees ever since I met his rude self in THE HUNTER and let me tell you that I am not disappointed at all! LJ Shen has done an amazing job of writing his character and I can't praise her enough for giving me a man even more aloof and rude than Vicious (which I thought would be impossible).

There were so many stages of emotions that I felt when I was reading this book!!

1. OMG, he is so rude!! It's like Vicious all over again!
2. Nah , he's even worse. Vicious was nothing in front of him. It's like he can't any worse. I don't even know why I love him so much🤣.
3. I was wrong. Cillian can get worse , very very worse.
4. Okkkk , I am now starting to swoon a bit. Just a little bit. But I have a feeling that he will bring me back down real fast.
5. I was right!! Didn't even take the bastard a single chapter to return to his Assholish self.
6. Ahhh , poor Percy.
7. Omg… Cillian is… kinky!!!!!
8. Okkk, things are getting better.
9. Much better now. Hopefully he will pull his head out his head now… just hoping even though I know there's a fat chance of that happening.
10. Ahhh man. There he goes. He just fucked up. There goes my heart , breaking for Percy. My poor girl… ughhh , Cillian is truly THE VILLAIN!!!!
11. He is still mute. Pull your head out !!!
12. Cillian knows how to grovel. Color me shocked!! 🤣🤣

Web-Photo-Editor You drive a hard bargain. Welcome to the dark side, Persephone. Leave your heart at the door.”

What I mean to say in short is that , this book was nothing short of perfection!! LJ has ended 2020 with a bang and Cillian is one Hero you need on your shelves!! I don't think I have ever read a more complicated character and his Transition was the best part of this book! Percy was everything he thought he didn't need but soon realised that she was the one thing that Cillian might crave above everything.

I can't even tell you how much fun it was for me to see the Villain brought down to his knees. He is ruthless, cunning and so rude. Still I bet that there is no way you won't love and swoon over him by the end of this book. For me , Cillian is now officially one of LJ's Top heroes!! Vicious was at the top , but sorry babe , Cillian has replaced you. I am claiming his Rude AF ass!!!

Web-Photo-Editor She smiled.
I died a little inside.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.”

What had me in awe , was the way this author wrote his character!! He was so rude and aloof in THE HUNTER , I knew writing his character was going to be a challenge especially when LJ had to be in his head and let me tell you all she did a perfect job. This book was everything I craved and expected from Cillian and so much more! Hearing His thoughts made me want to beat the shit out him and laugh at the same time!! Even those small hints about other characters and Sam and Aisling drove me crazy!! Sam is king of the underworld , a man for whom the other gender doesn't hold even a little appeal , even though he has slept with every woman in the city and I can't wait for him to be brought to his knees!

Web-Photo-Editor I’d known it from the very moment I found myself staring at him while he was watching Emmabelle from across the room. He was lost in my sister, but I found myself— everything I’d ever wanted— in him.”

A definite Masterpiece, this book is officially one of my top reads of this year!! This is my shout out to all those AntiHero loving women out there , Cillian is one Hero whom you don't want to miss reading!! A definite recommendation to all Romance lovers!

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