ARC REVIEW - Bastards and Scapegoats

by - November 24, 2020



Title: Bastards and Scapegoats
Author: Coralee June
Genre:  Contemporary Taboo Romance 
Type: Twisted Legacy Duet #1
POV: Dual
Release date: 3rd Dec 2020
My rating: 💋💋💋💋💋

The first time I saw Hamilton, he was balls deep in one of the bridesmaids at my mother’s wedding.

He was lethal. Handsome. Cruel. Twisted.

I was drawn to him like fists to glass. We had an angry sort of relationship. There was nothing kind about the broken man that stole my heart and crushed it in his fist. He was all sharp edges. One touch could ruin me. One kiss could end our happy little family.

When my mother married Joseph Beauregard, son of the governor of Connecticut, I never imagined I’d fall in love with my stepfather’s younger brother. I never imagined I’d uncover the truth about his family’s bloody legacy.

Hamilton escaped with scars to his name and a ruined reputation. And now? I wanted out, too. I guess the scandal of our relationship was the least of our family’s problems.



At first when I saw the name of this book , I was totally confused. Like , that does not make sense even a little bit. But now I have completed the book , I totally know why it is called that!! And what a ride it was! “Bastards and Scapegoats” was definitely the highlight of this month for me! I mean , that twist.. Dammit , I don’t think I will ever truly recover from that.

This book is the first book of the “Twisted Legacy” duet by the author Coralee June. Told in a single perspective , the storyline of this book was outstanding! By the end , my jaw was on the floor and I was busy planning the murder of a lot of charcaters. I mean , except for one-two characters , all the other ones need to die a painful death. Everybody was CRAZY in this book!!!!

Let’s talk about the storyline a bit. The main characters of this book are Hamilton and Vera. Vera’s mother has just married the love of her life , who is a politician. At her wedding is where Vera meets Hamilton for the first time. And what a scene that was!! Then later after becoming a voyeur to his rather… personal activities, she finds out that he is her step-uncle. Yup, the man she has hots for is the younger brother of the man her mum just married. Talk about it being the king of taboo scandals. Especially at a politician’s house , there was no place for a scandal. But things were not as easy as they seemed. Everybody had their own agendas. Even the man that she was falling for.

The book was crazy good, I was hooked right from the start and never stopped reading even once till I turned the end page. I knew there was some secret that I was not seeing and then when I found out!! Best F*cking TWIST ever!!! If you are looking for a hot taboo read with a whole lot of suspense and steam , then search no where else! This book is exactly what will satiate you! I am gonna cross my fingers and hope that the next book comes out really fast because I am not sure about how long I can survive after that killer Cliffhanger! A definite recommendation to all the contemporary romance taboo lovers out there! This book is gonna knock you in the jaw and bruise your heart , but trust me , it’ll have you begging for more!!

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