ARC REVIEW - Broken Kingdom

by - October 05, 2020


Title: Broken Kingdom
Author: Ashley Jade 
Genre: Contemporary Second Chance Romance 
Type: Royal Hearts Academy #4
POV: Dual
Release date: 8th Oct  2020
My rating: 💋💋💋💋💋

Welcome to their kingdom...

They say you're happy now.
That you can't remember anything from your past and it's for the best.
They told me if I cared about you I'd stay far away and leave you alone for good.
Because you're getting married to a man you love.

Only problem is...
you loved me first.

This is the 4th and FINAL book in the Royal Hearts Academy series. Cruel Prince (Jace and Dylan's book) , Ruthless Knight (Cole and Sawyer's book), and Wicked Princess should be read first for a better understanding of the family dynamic.



Web-Photo-Editor A stupid boy who stole the thing beating in my chest with a single kiss. A stupid boy who claims he wants nothing to do with me.”

Ashley.. Ashley… WHAT THE FUCK???
I mean I thought I was ready for Broken kingdom, but this!! THIS!! My reactions are somewhere near below..

Let's be Frank , when I read WP , I was like Ohh Hell No , where is my Oakley baby!!! And who the hell is this Stone? But I have been reading Ashley's books for a long time and knew that she had something big in store for us And what a surprise that was… my god! Talk about being rendered speechless. This whole book is amazing! God , she had me by the balls in the prologue itself , and you are asking about the whole book??? Absolutely phenomenal!

I am not saying that I didn't like Stone. He was good. Well to be Frank , I tolerated him and the moment Oakley appeared in the story.. well things were like:

This has to be the longest book I have ever read and From the moment I saw the book length , I was like… I am so gonna savour this one!!

The book picks off from Oakley now being Discharged from the prison and living with his father. I won't divulge much into the story because it would be impossible for me to not give away any spoilers , but let me just warn you, you might think you are prepared for Oakley and Bianca , but you are not!! It is freaking impossible for anyone to be prepared for this level of awesomeness.
The best part of this book was Oakley. The best part of the storyline was Oakley. The hottest part of the book was Oakley. Well you might have guessed that I have an obsession with… That's right , OAKLEY ZELENKA!!!!

Web-Photo-Editor Because it’s not my ring on her finger. It’s his. She might love him now… But she loved me first. Even when I hated her.”

He is my man , and I am truly gonna gut anyone who tries to take him from me 😒. He was the one who made this story so painfully heart-breaking , every scene in which that boy made an appearance had me gulping back sobs and his emotions , god that man made me highlight the whole damn book! Then there was Bianca. Part of me wanted the Bitch Bianca , while the other one loved this version of her. She is so confused in this book. Half of her still cares about Stone and the other half is torn about the boy with blue eyes who seems to look at her like she is his whole world and a part of her feels the same way. The boy of whom she has flashbacks for. The boy who has always been for her. And then she is so frustrated for not remembering the boy for whom her heart has always bled.

Web-Photo-Editor The girl is a black widow, luring unsuspecting victims into her web. And the moment she captures you… she’ll fuck you and your life up before she devours whatever remnants are left. A soul as black as the night sky. Lips as red as the blood she’s out for.”

Ladies and gentlemen , Ashley Jade has outdone herself in this book! She couldn't have twisted the storyline better , and even though a part of me felt like there was no need for WP , but after this book, I understand that it would have been impossible to enjoy this book to the max without knowing what happened when Oakley was away. So be prepared , Oakley and Bianca and coming and Are going to wreck everyone!

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