by - September 01, 2020


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Title: Grave
Author: Shantel Tessier
Genre: Dark Romance 
Type: Drak Kings #2
POV: Dual
Release date: 31st August 2020
My rating: 💋💋💋💋1/2 

My life went to hell years ago, and I've had a death wish ever since then with fast cars, women, and drugs. They don't call me Grave for nothing!

But I do it because I need to feel something... anything. What's life worth living for without the high?

And then I saw her!

She's too good for me, and I should stay away. But like an addict, I switch one drug for another, and I'll be taking her to hell with me.

I'm anything but sweet, despite what people think, so when he tells me I'm too good for him and I'm better off without him, I don't listen.

My life was simple before Grave stepped through that door, but who wants simple?

He makes me feel alive. It took one touch, and I became addicted!

But therein lies the problem. Addiction is Grave's middle name, and when he tells me he's taking me to hell with him, I don't know whether to take that as a threat or a promise!

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' Grave ' is the second book of the 'Dark Kings' series by the best selling author Shantel Teisser. Told in dual perspectives , get ready to meet the king with a death wish and the girl who gave him a reason to Live!

After reading Titan , Grave's book was one of my most anticipated books of this year! Grave was a mystery for me and I desperately wanted to know his reasons of why he was the way he was. And the author sure did not disappoint me! I loved this thrilling story !

Grave in one of the 4 Dark Kings. Ever since his mother's death , he has drowned himself in drugs and Girls to forget the pain. He doesn't care about his life , and likes to play with death. There is afterall a reason , why he is called Grave. That is until an angel with purple hair , smashes into his life and gives him a reason to Live!

April has not always had an easy life. After her mother's death , she took over her flower shop and dropped from college to look over her younger brother. Until on day , she meets Grave. Both of them are immediately drawn towards each other and I loved the chemistry they had. That is until her brother goes and fucks everything up. He gets into trouble , which lands April into trouble and she is forced to go to grave for help. Grave already being obsessed with the pretty flower girl , agrees to help her. Soon they both form an unbreakable bond and find themselves falling in love too fast.

But grave has many demons of his past. A past that April has no idea about. His addictions cause problems between them, and now it is upto Grave whether he can fight his destructive wants to be with the women be desperately loves.

This book was an amazing ride for me. I loved getting to know the Youngest of the Kings and being in his mind was an absolute pleasure for me! This book is a definite recommendation to all the dark Romance lovers out there!

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